sometimes I stare at people I find's their beauty that lures and entices me...perfect...a word I will never figure out...
I hear that sales are on this month, so I took a ride to the closest peerless boutique ( a peculiarity I tend to embellish is giving shops human features). I got in and in a few seconds I spotted the items I was looking for and couldn't find in a lifetime of humdrum inquiring...and at reasonable prices: a pair of long, silky, velvety legs,at 20% off; radiant, resplended, curly hair with green eyes as a free accessory-a bit faulty, but nothing I couldn't fix-and oh-my-god state of the art nose, at only 99,99$. I walked out feeling auspicious...remunerated for the vile hours of outside-in rebellion.
cred ca ideea de baza e ca imi doresc ce nu se poate cumpara, ca noi toti de altfel, sunt sigura...dar n-ar fi frumos ca la magazinul de la coltul strazii sa te "tuna"...:))) ? pare ca in ultima vreme, fetele se uite cum, treptat-treptat, baietii, prin nesfarsita imaginatie, gasesc o modalitate de a ne privi ca pe niste fel cum tom viseaza din cand in cand la un jerry prajit, cu verdeata in jurul lui, pe o farfurie mare si alba
the picture is a painting I drew, with one of my T-shirts as a model
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