duminică, 24 mai 2009

Yellow shoes

Today. 4 p.m. Strong heat. Laughter inside. Maybe even tears. Tears of joy. One, two, one, two…hop…one, two, one, two…Shiny, yellow, round edged shoes stepping off the side walk, jumping over a square sewer and then proudly laying one in front of the other. Two seconds later, the right one stops, pushes on its lid, grazing the concrete and then turns, wheeling the left shoe along. Another two seconds. Quick twist, both facing the lateral side. Their position? At about 20 centimeters and trembling. Then a jump. They fly in a blowing pace, clash with a green aluminum surface and slip. The left bangs a bald head. The right one falls silently on the ground, still dressing Sigrid’s leg.

multe greseli, foarte posibil :P

sâmbătă, 23 mai 2009

hey hey hey

fuck, a cam trecut asa...cam un an. de ce draq am trecut prin dulcea corvoada(asa, pentru cunoscatori, emfaza expresiva a textului meu debuteaza cu un oximoron semantic de o pala savoare in comparatie cu cele pe care le citesc in ultima vreme :P )de a-mi alege un subtitlu peste care am calcat cu picioarele? a way to pass beyond my reckless nature and submit to order inseamna acum vreo doi ani, in cuvinte simple, ca imi place sa scriu si ca vreau sa o fac, dar ca imi este deosebit de greu sa intru in rutina. si, cum ma cunosc prea bine, m-am plictisit repede. mi-am amintit brusc, am incercat cateva parole la blog si in final am nimerit.
cand am scris pentru prima oara, am facut-o pentru mine. am adorat momentul in care un prieten a citit ultimul post la aproximativ 30 de secunde de la afisare si am blestemat rautatea celui care m-a atacat indirect, cu autoritate hartuitoare, in blogul lui. asa ca m-am oprit. inteleg ca, fara newsworthiness, senzationalisme si politica, te devalorizezi. iti pierzi mireasma.
here's my deal: imagine (what a sweet and tender word, overused, though still vulnerable)that I am going to write the story of this girl who gets run over by a truck and gets to relive the purest, highest moments of her life, in those scary few seconds when life flashes through her eyes.
it is another attempt to abide by my motto: pass beyond my reckless nature and submit to order. in other words: i want to try a shortstory and the only way to write is to have a couple of readers and a routine. so, shall we...?